Friday, November 17, 2006

Display Screen Equipment

DSE can contribute to WRULD. Also, tired or sore eyes, and headaches (especially for people who wear contact lenses or bi-focal glasses).

As well as the physical layout of the workstation, the screen can have glare or poor image quality.

People using DSE can suffer from stress due to the expected pace of work or anxiety about new technology.

There is no evidence to suggest radiation from screens is a problem, even for pregnant ladies. A few people claim skin problems, but this is more likely to be with air quality (that may be affected by electrical equipment) rather than the DSE itself. A small number of epileptics may have problems.

The Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 are commonly known as the DSE Regulations. They require that operators or users have:

* Adequate training and information;
* Proper breaks or changes of activity;
* Work stations suitable for them which meet, where necessary, the standards in the schedule; and
* Eye tests if they request them.


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