Monday, November 06, 2006

Work equipment - managing risks

Key stages to managing risks from work equipment include:

* Select correct equipment for the job
* Make sure equipment is properly maintained and repaired
* Make sure components are in good condition (e.g. blunt bits and blades can increase vibration and noise)
* Inspect equipment and keep records
* Users to check equipment before use
* Users to be trained and provided with information and instructions
* Use guards
* Use in good environment (e.g. lighting, temperature. Working in cold can increase chance of problems with vibration white finger)

In general

* It must be possible to maintain, clean, erect and dismantle equipment safely. Ideally when machine is stopped, but if not possible safe system required
* Warnings and notices should be posted
* Prevent unauthorised use
* Do not make modifications to equipment or use 'cheater bars' (ad hoc lever) or other other changes to how controls are used.

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