Monday, November 06, 2006

Work equipment - hazards

Work equipment can be hazardous when it is being

* Used
* Maintained
* Installed
* Dismantled
* Moved
* Cleaned

People who may be harmed include those do the above and those in the vicinity

Hazards include

* Moving parts that can cause entanglement (wrap around)
* Moving parts that can draw-in body parts, hair, clothing (pinch points)
* Crushing
* Shear points (2 edges moving together to cut - scissor action)
* Sharp edges and points (moving or stationary)
* Abrasive surfaces
* Ejected parts, debris, dust, gas, vapour, liquid etc.
* Hot or cold surfaces
* Vibration
* Noise
* Fire
* Electricity
* Release of stored energy (spring, pressure)
* Equipment moving (self propelled, down hill, being pushed)
* Equipment over-turning

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